Lake Steward Program

Square Lake Association is currently advancing the Square Lake Steward Program, in collaboration with our friends at Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR). This program empowers our Association members to self-assess their property, to ensure we’re all protecting Square Lake as effectively as possible

Square Lake Association Board Members Lynn Mecum and Jim Seidl hope to inspire all Square Lake Association members to preserve and protect their shoreline through this unique Program. 

The Lake Steward Program depends on the assistance of dedicated volunteers. To that end, Lynn and I are seeking additional volunteers to help Square Lake Association achieve its shoreline protection goals.

You may contact Lynn (, or Jim ( to learn more about participating in the Program, and we’ll share additional information needed to help protect our lake.

Volunteering with the Lake Steward Program is a flexible commitment, and your help is welcome in any capacity. Volunteers will work with Lynn - who has generously offered to lead the Square Lake Program - to respond to shoreline evaluation inquiries, and visit properties by invitation to conduct shoreline evaluations. 

No prior experience in shoreline management is required to volunteer for the Program. The shoreline evaluations are guided by an online app that is easily accessible from a phone or tablet with internet capabilities. 

Thanks in advance for getting involved, and for your ongoing stewardship in helping to preserve and protect Square Lake.

Hoping we’ve piqued your interest in learning more, please click this link, to skim the Lake Steward Program Volunteer Handout: Volunteer Handout

PS, As a special incentive, the initial three Association members who contact Lynn - offering to support the Lake Steward initiative, as either a volunteer or participant in the Program - will receive a complimentary copy of Square Lake Association’s friend, author, and Marine on St. Croix neighbor, Lonnie Lovness’ new book Growing Up Wright. See Lonnie’s website for more information about her wonderful, photo-filled book about Frank Lloyd Wright.


In Praise of Mona and Ted Nesse


Square Lake Darter Minnows