Water Quality
Water Quality
Current monitoring programs are focused almost entirely on surface water quality. The Square Lake Association is leading best-practice efforts to include more groundwater quality monitoring, as referenced in the linked reports below:
Square Lake Water Quality Monitoring
10-Year Management Plan (2010-2020): https://www.cmscwd.org/lakes-streams
2015 Updated Version of the 10-Year Watershed Management Plan (2010-2020): 2015 Updated 10-Year Square Lake Watershed Management Plan (2010-2020)
2019 Square Lake Plan Summary: https://www.cmscwd.org/lakes-streams
Square Lake Grading System (Comparing other lake grades to Square): https://eims.metc.state.mn.us/Documents/GetDocument/1003
Water Quality Monitoring Programs
To learn more about water quality monitoring resources and programs in Washington County, here are additional key information resources for SLA members:
Washington County Water Conservation District - Water Monitoring Program: http://www.mnwcd.org/lake-water-quality-monitoring-program.
Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District - Water Monitoring: (http://cmscwd.org/programs/water-monitoring).
Metropolitan Council – Water Quality Management/Lake Monitoring: https://metrocouncil.org/Wastewater-Water/Services/Water-Quality-Management/Lake-Monitoring-Analysis.aspx