Square Lake County Park + Master Plan
Square Lake Park
Access Hours: 6 AM - 10 PM daily.
Vehicle permits: Required for all cars, SUVs, motorcycles, and busses entering the park. Electronic pay stations are located in each parking lot to purchase a permit. These machines only accept credit/debit cards.
Special Use Permit: Must be obtained to conduct scuba diving instruction.
Square Lake Park Master Plan
SLA’s Scott Alexander and Jim Seidl were honored to serve on the Technical Advisory Committee of Washington County Public Work’s Square Lake Park Master Plan initiative from 2020 to 2021. The Square Lake Park Master Plan was completed in February, 2021, and can be reviewed by clicking here: https://www.co.washington.mn.us/3235/Square-Lake-Park-Master-Plan.

Master Plan Q&A
The following questions were sourced from SLA members and presented to Connor Schaefer, Washington County Planner and Square Lake Master Plan Technical Advisory Committee leader. Connor’s answers to TAC member Jim Seidl’s interview questions are presented below for SLA members’ consideration:
Why is Washington County considering the possible acquisition of the Golden Acres and Wilder properties, as noted on the Master Plan map?
“As a twenty- to thirty-year planning document, one of the primary purposes of a master plan is to explore opportunities for future park boundary adjustments. Identifying sites during the master plan process allows the county to consider an acquisition when the timing and funding is right.
Through the master plan process, these sites were identified because they address project goals and fit the criteria of the regional park system. Additional questions we explore during the process are: What are surrounding land uses and do they complement how the park functions? Are there potential partnerships that can be leveraged?
In the case of 9.5 acres Golden Acres, the existing use is similar to a park – camping, picnicking, beach, lake access, etc. It is well loved and it provides a popular service that connects families to the lake. If and when the owner is interested in selling, Washington County would continue to provide that opportunity for people. Furthermore, with the proposed improvements to the site, we will be able to strike a different balance then what exists today. This includes about 50% of the site being restored and protected for natural resources. The Golden Acres sites will also allow for a separated kayak/canoe/paddleboard launch, easier access for those with mobility challenges, and space to expand the AIS cleaning and drain station. These improvements directly address key challenges we heard from the community and can be designed thoughtfully, to fit within the natural environment. If the site is sold to a private owner, the development and use of the parcel could be very different.
In the case of the 55 acres of the Wilder Foundation Site, the latest active use of the site was a park space for the organization to run programs at. The Wilder Foundation currently own hundreds of acres northwest of Square Lake and may consider partnerships with Washington County to protect the sensitive resources it contains long-term. The master plan is proposing that Washington County would own the identified 55 acres as part of this partnership. This site would be a unique opportunity to provide access to the northwest side of the lake. Because of the site’s low visitation and minimal use today, the plan recommends low-impact improvements and passive uses. For example, the proposed concept would utilize the existing access road and turf trails, with the remaining 90%+ of the site retained as open space. Furthermore, the site is a good distance from the existing Square Lake Park, making an ideal trip for kayaks/canoes/paddleboarders. As previously noted, if the sites are sold to a private owner, the development and use of this land could be very different.
To summarize, the potential acquisition of Golden Acres and the Wilder Foundation site will allow the county to protect the lake and natural resources while providing access and opportunities for people to experience Square Lake.”
What is the general process for acquisition by Washington County of this type of property for County Park expansion from willing Sellers?
“The process starts by a parcel being identified in a Washington County park master plan. This simply means the county can then access regional funding to pursue acquisition of the property. The land owner is not under a direct obligation to sell to the county.
Washington County’s current practice is to pursue parkland acquisition on a “willing seller” basis. When the land owner is ready to sell the parcel, they will either notify county staff, or county staff will contact the land owner when we become aware of the parcel’s availability. Washington County may conduct an appraisal (or other analysis), consider funding opportunities, and negotiate from there.
Please note every potential parcel acquisition is a little different. What is described above may look different depending on stakeholders, funding, and timelines.”
If acquisition discussions of Golden Acres and/or Wilder proceed, is there a targeted year(s) for Park expansion to occur?
“There is no timetable for proposed expansion to occur at this time. If a parcel does become available, it can sometimes take a year for funding and formal approvals to line up. If the county does acquire the parcel, additional planning and funding would be needed to implement the proposed improvements.
What is the status of current discussions between Washington County, and the Owners of Golden Acres and Wilder?
“Washington County has contacted the land owners for both sites and they are aware of the master plan process. There is no specific timetable for proposed acquisitions at this time.”
Does Washington County have priority positioning for acquiring these properties, in comparison to private parties who may also be interested, if the respective Owners decide to list the property for sale?
“No, Washington County would not have priority positioning for acquiring available parcels identified in the Square Lake Park master plan.”
Association members have expressed concern that an expanded Park may increase boat traffic on the Lake - and increased boat traffic will increase the risk of AIS intrusion. How will the Master Plan address this concern?
“We understand the concern about increased boat traffic and it is something we thought long and hard about. The proposed plan addresses this issue in several ways. First, the proposed concept does not add additional boat trailer parking spaces. Instead, we are proposing different uses to replace the overflow parking area, which is sometimes used by boat trailers. If the county would acquire the Golden Acres site, the amount of boat traffic that uses the site's launch would also be limited (the proposed concept calls for less parking and camping space than what existing today). We believe the proposed concept will result in a reduction in the number of motorized boats accessing the lake from these two sites compared with today. The 55-acre Wilder Foundation site will not have a motorized boat access. Finally, the county and our partners' AIS efforts would be able to expand and incorporate those accessing the lake through Golden Acres, if it is one day acquired. Our goal is to find that balance that provides controlled and manageable access for the visitors to the park, while also being stewards and good neighbors to those who live along the lake.”