Lake Steward Program – SLA Member Proposal

SLA friend and supporter, Jeff Forrester, is the Executive Director and Founder of Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR) ( In 2020, MLR launched their Lake Steward Program to support lake associations as they work collaboratively to improve water quality, increase lake association visibility, and boost membership efforts.

Lake Steward has succeeded by advancing a short quiz to get lakeshore owners interested, and then making contact which is personal and centered on the individual lakeshore owner, their family, and their relationship to their land, and the water. Lake Steward, by its nature, strives to build the feeling of community around the lake while improving water quality.

The Lake Steward process is simple, practical and engaging. Participating lake associations send out a simple ten question questionnaire that members are encouraged to complete to “score their shore.” Results are delivered to a volunteer from the lake association, who then visits with the property owner.  If the candidate’s property meets the Lake Steward standards, they are awarded a sign designating them as a Lake Steward. The sign (with lake association logo) can be displayed at the end of the dock, visible to other lakeshore owners who will then hopefully be encouraged to become a Lake Steward (and lake association member) also.

For example, results from the Gull Chain of Lakes Association (Lake Steward of GCOLA), show that members care deeply about their lake and water quality; and that they were simply waiting for an opportunity to act. Of 614 members contacted to take the quiz, hundreds have done so. In only 2 seasons, 51 Lake Stewards have been awarded, and there are currently more than 72 owners working to become a Lake Steward. Over 2 miles of shoreline have been protected in just two years.

The Lake Steward Program is open to all Minnesota Lake Associations that are current members of MLR – including Square Lake Association.

If you’re interested in participating in Lake Steward, here’s the next-step process for Volunteers to organize:

  1. Email Jeff Forester at with the names of our Lake Steward Volunteers, the name of our lake and full color high resolution copy of our lake association logo (Adobe Illustrator, EPS, or a vector pdf)). He will email us boilerplate language we can use for an email to our members, the Lake Steward Criteria, and a Shoreline Restoration Resources list.

  2. Arrange for Square Lake Lake Steward Volunteers to watch the training videos here:

Here’s a summary of the Lakeshore Criteria that homeowners will be asked to meet to become a Square Lake Steward:

  1. There must be a buffer zone of native plants along at least 75% of the lakeshore that is at least 25 ft (25-50 ft) deep from water’s edge landward. The other 25% of the lakeshore can be impervious such as beach, boathouse, deck.

  2. ​​Excluding impervious such as house or driveway, the remainder of the property must have at least 50% native trees, shrubs and plants.

  3. If there is riprap along shore, plants are allowed to grow in it.

  4. For plants in the aquatic zone, only the smallest number/amount can be removed that will allow access to the water for swimming and boating.

  5. No broadcast fertilizer or herbicides/pesticides, including no mosquito spraying, nor aquatic treatments for plants or invertebrates.

  6. Septic system, if present, must be maintained according to best management practices, which usually includes pumping every 1-3 years depending on size of the system and number of people living at the property.

  7. There must be no evidence of stormwater runoff into the lake.

  8. Fire pits can be detrimental to the lake because the ashes are high in phosphorus. If there is a fire pit, it must be at least 25 - 50 ft back from the water’s edge. Pet waste should be picked up from the same area, and piles of leaves, grass clippings, etc. not permitted near the water where they could wash into the lake.

  9. Please allow fallen trees to remain in the water to provide habitat, unless they obstruct recreation access.

  10. Docks and lifts, if stored onshore, should be stacked so that the impervious surface affects the least area of the shoreline zone.

Please email Lynn Mecum and Jim Seidl if you are interested in helping us advance this Program for Association members in 2022. We believe it’s another great way to help preserve and protect Square Lake, consistent with the mission of our Association.


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