Professor Leif Hembre, Ph.D, Daphnia Research Article
Professor Leif Hembre, Ph.D, Hamline University
A multi-decade friend of our Association and champion of Square Lake, Professor Hembre recently shared a new research paper that was recently accepted for publication in the esteemed journal BIOS, that relates to his previous Square Lake trout moratorium monitoring study. In this new study, Professor Hembre worked with two Hamline students to perform a competition experiment using the two species of Daphnia (D. pulicaria & D. mendotae) that reside in Square Lake, which play a key role in the monitoring study.
Professor Hembre’s important new paper is entitled: Hembre, L, K., Henneck, A., and G. Simoke (2021): Outcome of competition between two Daphnia species in the absence of predators: laboratory experiment findings support field observations.
Dr. Hembre has kindly granted SLA special permission to post this manuscript version on our website, and can be read by clicking here: Professor Hembre, Ph.D,, Daphnia Research Article, 2021
If you have questions about Dr. Hembre’s research, or simply wish to thank him and his research students for their continuing commitment to Square Lake, you may contact him at:
Leif Hembre, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Hamline University
1536 Hewitt Ave
St. Paul, MN 55104
Hembre, Leif
651) 523-2254