Square Lake Park Master Plan
Square Lake Association’s Scott Alexander and Jim Seidl were invited by Washington County Public Works in mid-2020 to participate on the Square Lake Park Master Plan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
Led by Washington County Planner Connor Schaefer, targeted project themes and goals, included:
The completed Master Plan was published for public viewing on April 1, 2021 at:
At the March 4, 2021, May Township Board of Supervisor’s public meeting, Washington County’s Planner June Mathiowetz discussed the Land and Water Legacy Program (LWLP) and plans for possible expanded Wilder Forest property acquisition. The parties to these ongoing discussions include Wilder, Washington County, May Township, River Grove School, the Science Museum, Minnesota Land Trust, CMSCWD, DNR, and most recently, our SLA. Because of the potential impact on the watershed, adjacent lakes, adjacent homeowners, adjacent roadways, and River Grove School, it’s critically important for our Association to be vigilant as these negotiations evolve. To that end, Jim Seidl requested SLA representation at the negotiation table, and is awaiting Washington County’s response. Here is a link to June’s PowerPoint: Land and Water Legacy Program PowerPoint.
Jim Seidl also requested that Washington County’s Planner Connor Schaefer revise the 2021 Master Plan to reference this LWLP development. Here is the text Connor agreed to include in the Plan:
"This master planning process identified the 55 acres owned by the Wilder Foundation and south of Ostlund Trail as land that best met the criteria for inclusion in the park’s future boundary. The additional adjacent acreage north of Ostlund Trail is also owned by the Wilder Foundation and may become a future ‘county conservation area’ as part of a larger acquisition effort between multiple partners. County conservation areas are slightly different than parks with a purpose more focused on ecological conservation, similar to that of Scientific Natural Areas that the MNDNR manages. There were no definite details of any acquisition during the final drafting of this master plan. Regardless, the county will ensure the 55 acres proposed for inclusion into Square Lake Park complements adjacent land uses." (pg 44)
Square Lake Association history buffs may also be interested in skimming Master Plan Appendices pages 30 and 56 for Association members’ Jane Krentz, Paul Haugen, Ron Holt, Rick Markwardt, and Jim Seidl footprints in the sands of prior iterations of Square Lake Park’s Master Plan, dating back 31 years to 1990.
If you have questions or require additional information about the 2021 Master Plan or the emerging LWLP, please contact Scott Alexander or Jim Seidl at: alexa017@umn.edu and jim.seidl@legalresearch.com.