CMSCWD's 10-Year Plan

Square Lake Association friend and website sponsor, Mikael Isensee, CPESC, Administrator, of the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District (, recently completed the 10-year management plan for the CMSCWD, which lays out priorities and major budget items for the next decade.

 Of interest for Square Lake are the following points:

  • Measurable goal of improving clarity (secchi disk depth) of Square Lake by 2031.

  • Working with Washington County to improve AIS Enforcement capacity in the County.

  • Continued boat ramp inspections at County Park.

  • Increased funding for East Metro Water Resource Education Program for activities such as new homeowner packets that will be mailed to landowners within six months of purchasing land within the District. 

  • Increased volunteer events, watershed tours, and conservation focused small events.

  • Capital improvement funding to install high priority water quality improvement practices identified in the Seven Lakes Subwatershed Analysis (being completed this year).

The full plan is located here:

Additionally, and very importantly for those interested in tracking water clarity, the District will also continue monitoring Square Lake water quality and lake levels annually and posting the results here:

We thank Mike and his CMSCWD for their proactive leadership in preserving and protecting Square Lake, for Square Lake Association website sponsorship, and for their continuing support of our Association’s AIS education, monitoring, and inspection efforts.


MNWCD AIS Inspection Update


Jane Krentz and SLA