Jane Krentz and SLA

Our esteemed friend, neighbor, and multi-decade Square Lake Association Board member, Jane Krentz, recently announced her decision to retire from her Board duties. On behalf of all Board and Association members, we thank Jane for her many years of committed and invaluable service to our Association. Jane will be greatly missed as an invaluable Board member. Thankfully, she will continue to participate in Association activities and special projects, as an ongoing and beloved Association member.

For those of you who may not know Jane, here is her Hamline University biography:  https://www.hamline.edu/faculty-staff/jane-krentz/ ; and her Linked In bio, for reference: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-krentz-33824816.

I’ve been blessed to work with Jane on countless Square Lake Association projects since the early 1990’s. Her legacy as an environmentalist, conservationist, creative problem solver, diplomat, decision-maker, and progressive thought leader, have helped to preserve and protect Square Lake for decades. Jane’s love of family, kind and caring spirit, empathy, passion for excellence, and eternal optimism and positivity have uplifted us all over the years. Thank you Jane for making our Square Lake world a much better place! Our very best wishes to you and yours.


CMSCWD's 10-Year Plan


Minnesota Lakes & Rivers and SLA